Team Skype Meeting

Team Skype Meeting

In this brief skype meeting we just walked through our research we did from last meeting and set our next meeting to dive more in depth into our next steps for the project. The data research resulted in some very cool maps too:
Team Meeting

Team Meeting

In this meeting we decided upon facilitating citizens making their own neighbourhoods more sustainable by creating community building workshops in the neighbourhoods. However this concept requires the following information which we have divided as tasks between...
Terugkomdag from Explore to Ideate & Conceptualise

Terugkomdag from Explore to Ideate & Conceptualise

Romi is still ill so Mirthe and Mélanie presented the conclusions of our explore phase. We got useful feedback such as there is little discrepancy between community and neighbourhoods when we talk about it, and therefore our final question is also confusing. The...

Team Meeting with Hein Jan

Sadly in this meeting, Elise decided to no longer be part of Enschede Lab and our team as she needs to focus on her graduation project which doesn’t fit enough into the current project structure. However, we made a lot of progress with our project. We discussed...

Meeting with Marjolein

All the Enschede Lab teams sent one representative (for us Mélanie) to meet with Marjolein to find out more about the municipalities take on this project and where they would like us to take our projects. The main thing we learnt was that: The municipality has very...